Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Childrens Identity Theft is on the rise!

As children head back to school, it is a good time to remember that parents should be very careful when they share their children's Social Security numbers.
Criminals are increasingly searching for random Social Security numbers. Once they find them, they cross-check these numbers against other databases to see if the numbers have been used to obtain credit.
If they haven't, thieves are selling these unblemished numbers—often calling them credit profile, or credit protection, numbers, or CPNs—for anywhere between a few hundred dollars to as much as several thousand dollars a piece.
Many times these inactive numbers are tied to children or long-time prison inmates.
Since children won't be applying for credit to buy a car or receive a credit card for years to come, those who purchase these numbers can use them to obtain phony lines of credit and rack up debt, sometimes for years.
The Associated Press reported that the Identity Theft Resource Center, an organization that offers counseling and resources to identify theft victims, has seen a notable jump in the number of children who are victims of identity theft in the last year. They estimate the number of cases rose by 9 percent in the latest month.
Javelin Strategy, a research group that studies identity theft, estimates that 5 percent of consumers who are a victim a data breach indicated that their children's information was used fraudulently.
Click here to contact me about how you can protect your childrens from ID theft

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Thousands are Wrongly Declared Dead Every Year

Data entry mistakes happen all the time due in large part to simple human error. A recent article from CNN Money looks at how mistakes have led to approximately 14,000 false entries a year into the Social Security Administration's Death Master File. This huge public file contains the Social Security number, name, birth/death date, zip codes and last known residences of millions of deceased Americans. So if a person is mistakenly entered into the file, their personal information becomes public information.
The article shares one woman's story of dealing with this mistake. A simple mistyped Social Security number, entered by a funeral director on a death notice, led to her erroneous digital demise. Besides receiving $300-$400 in bounced check fees, the woman claimed that she was never reimbursed for the missed disability checks.
Digital Death mistakes are not new news, but it's important to realize the impact of such serious mistakes. Besides the risk of data theft, issues that can surface include: benefit termination, financial hardship, closed accounts, issues getting a job, emotional distress...the list goes on.
When simple mistakes cause major headaches, Pre-Paid Legal members with a Life Events Legal Plan  have access to an experienced lawyer for assistance. Member that have the Identity Theft Shield with Safeguard for Minors  receive valuable services from monitoring to expert identity restoration. These are valuable services the whole family can rely on. 
CLICK HERE to contact me today about protecting you and  your loved ones

Monday, August 29, 2011

Manhattan DA: "S3" Identity Theft Crew Uses Others' Identity to Fraudulently Purchase and Fence Apple Merchandise

Think you can't be a victim of ID Theft? Think again the only reason I know about this group is because I too have fallen victim to the "S3 Group", thank Goodness I have ID Theft coverage with my Pre-Paid Legal membership because it could have cost me around $1200 trying to repair this on my own. Read my blog below and if you too are interested in protecting you and your loved ones CLICK HERE and lets get you covered for any of life's events.

Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance, Jr. announced earlier today that his office's Cybercrime and Identity Theft Bureau has taken down and arrested a 27 person Identity Theft ring based out of Brooklyn, New York. Prosecutors allege that "S3," as the crew calls themselves, "compromised hundreds of bank accounts,and fraudulently purchased Apple products from stores around the country to resell for profit."
It is claimed that these Identity Theft bandits obtained personal identifying information of their victims by purchasing this information online through people who trafficked the data. Once the alleged fraudsters obtained the information, including credit card numbers, the leaders recruited individuals who would shop in stores with the credit card numbers. The shoppers duped Apple employees after ring leaders allegedly created fraudulent and counterfeit credit cards and placed the stolen credit card number onto the magnetic strip of the counterfeit credit card. Armed with a counterfeit credit card in the name of a shopper, these hired guns allegedly made the Apple purchases for items including iPads and MacBooks.
It is likely that this scheme was perpetrated in such a manner because if an employee asked to see the credit card along with other identification, then the shopper could produce corroboration that the fake credit card belonged to him or her. Sadly for these victims, employees of Apple are partially responsible for failing the public. It appears that Apple employees may not have taken the next step to actually look at receipts to see if the receipt matched the name on the card as it often does. Unfortunately, this type of scheme has become less and less newsworthy, not because it is insignificant, but because it has become relatively easy to perpetrate as technology expands.
According to law enforcement, search warrants on S3 properties and accounts resulted in the recovery of the tools to create the fraudulent credit cards along with firearms and $300,000.
The alleged S3 ring members include:
Shaheed Bilal ("Sha"), Ophelia Allene ("Philly"), Ali Bilal ("Acki"), Isaac Bilal ("I.B."), Rahim Bilal ("Marlo" and "Starlo"), Marcus Artis ("Bling"), Jamara Bennett ("Killz"), Shanaya Bethea ("Naya"), Gil Einhorn, Trashawn Frails ("Spot"), Darnell Gibbs ("Butter Luv"), Anthony Harper ("Ant"), Tsaiquain Irby-Bacon, Tetee Morrison, Ashley Pennicott and Shadu Wagner.
In varying degrees and capacities, the defendants are charged with:
One count of the "C" felony of Grand Larceny in the Second Degree, four counts of "D" felonies of Grand Larceny in the Third Degree and twenty seven counts of Criminal Possession of a Forged Instrument in the Second Degree, and fifteen counts of the "E" felonies of Grand Larceny in the Fourth Degree and one Count of Conspiracy in the Fourth Degree.
A second indictment charges these and other members of S3 including:
Anthony Harper, Harvin Eigner ("I.G."), Hasba Flynn-Hakim, Tyesha Halls, Brian Hanna, Desjeuner Knight ("Fat Girl" - tough alias, huh), Sheneik McCallum, Ahmad Mohsen ("Mike"), Edna Nixon ("Nina"), Joshua Simon ("Dog" - not to be confused with "Dogg") and Malkia Walker ("Kia").
This indictment charges one count of Grand Larceny in the Second Degree, six counts of Criminal Possession of a Forged Instrument in the Second Degree, one count of Grand Larceny in the Fourth Degree and one count Conspiracy in the Fourth Degree.
"C," "D," and "E" felonies are punishable by up to fifteen, seven, and four years in prison respectively. Interestingly, although charged with similar level offenses, if the District Attorney press release is correct, the Cybercrime and Identity Theft Bureau did not charge the alleged Identity Theft perpetrators with the actual crime of Identity Theft. One possible reason is that the crime of Identity Theft may not have actually occurred in Manhattan even though jurisdiction for the crime can be in New York if either the crime was perpetrated or the victim lives here. What is more likely is that the additional crime of Identity Theft did not bring into the case evidence that would otherwise not be admissible. In other words, whether or not Identity Theft was charged, the same evidence would come out at trial as to how the defendants allegedly perpetrated the other crimes.

Friday, August 26, 2011

What Is ID Theft Doing To Reputations and Credit Scores?

Identity theft in the most basic of terms, is any crime where some or all of your identity or personal information is stolen. It is a crime that can make identity thieves rich and destroy the credit scores of good people like you.
So, what is ID theft already doing to your good name and credit history? It is usually wreaking havoc on both without you evening knowing about it.
Unfortunately, one of the most insidious parts of identity theft is that it often occurs without the victim even knowing about it until the damage has already been done. Thieves empty bank accounts or run up fraudulent credit card bills or commit crimes, and the victim is left to suffer the consequences.
It is not until a policeman shows up on your doorstep or you receive your bank or credit card statements that you realize that something has gone horribly wrong.
This is why many consumers are asking a lot of important questions, and turning to identity theft protection services to help ease the worry of becoming a victim.
It is prudent to keep some important questions in mind as you learn more about identity theft and how to manage it if it happens to you:
What is ID theft and what causes it?
This is a hard question to answer because the reality is often not what you may think. Thieves don’t really have to be invasive or crafty in order to steal your identity these days.
Too many of us willingly throw personal papers in the trash, list personal information on websites or blogs, and even talk about our personal information openly over cellphones and in public places.
However, when any unauthorized person uses your data for personal gain, you have become the latest victim of an ID related crime.
What is ID theft going to do to your reputation?
The truth is, identity thieves can use your name as an alias when they commit crimes, sign up for utilities in your name, or even apply for jobs where the potential employer is made to think that the thief is you.
People who have their identities stolen can lose all their money, have their excellent credit destroyed and in extreme cases even lose their homes or their jobs. Sometimes, a victim may even be arrested for serious crimes committed by identity thieves. As you can see, your credit and reputation can be severely damaged quickly, and it may take some time to regain it.
What is ID theft reporting like?
Another thing that you may be wondering about is what the procedure is like in terms of who you should report the crime to. In other words, what agencies or organizations need to get involved?
You should start by contacting the local police, but don’t stop there. Follow up by contacting the FTC, credit reporting bureaus, your bank and any affected credit card companies. You may also need to contact any businesses and creditors that were impacted by the identity thief’s antics, too.
The bottom line is: do not make it easy to become the next ID theft statistic. Make a pact with yourself to be careful with all of your personal information, no matter what the situation is.
What is ID theft going to do to your reputation?
If your priority becomes guarding your personal data as much as possible, or if you move quickly to report the crime if it happens to you, then possibly not much that you cannot repair.
For more information, please click here to contact me

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Did you know speeding tickets can raise insurance rates 53% ?

Have you ever had teenage drivers or drive like a teenager yourself?  According to an article written on May 23, 2011 by MainStreet staff, a new analysis from website recently looked at 32,000 of its auto insurance policies sold in 2010 and found that those with zero moving violations on their driving record can expect to pay, on average, $1,119 a year in premiums.  However, as soon as a consumer had a moving traffic violation on record, the quotes skyrocketed. Their analysis found that:
• One violation led to an average annual premium cost of $1,318, an 18% increase.
• Two violations lead to average annual premium cost of $1,497, a 34% increase.
• Three violations lead to an average annual premium cost of $1,713, a 53% increase
The article also stated that violations that can cause these spikes include speeding, careless or reckless driving, running red lights, failing to yield or stop at a yield or stop sign, improper passing, making an unsafe U-turn and failing to use a child restraint.   The analysis illustrated that policies offered to drivers with violations depend on the age of the driver.  In addition the average annual premiums were calculated by examining 32,746 single-driver, one-car insurance policies sold in 2010. If your insurance agent does not currently offer Motor Vehicle Legal Service, you can get more information by clicking here to contact me

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Are you aware of your child custody and relocation law?

Child custody relocation laws differ between states and moving can be quite a sticky issue. Parents that already have full physical and legal custody of their children must meet the standard legal requirements in custody relocation laws. This starts with notifying the non custodial parent if they wish to move or relocate to another state. Minor moves within the county which do not affect the other parents visitation rights are not considered too much of a problem, but if the custodial parent wishes to move a long distance away, the court may rule against it; especially if the move will affect the well being of the children because they have a good relationship with the non custodial parent. Relocation laws for child custody come in to affect regarding child custody arrangements when the move is a certain distance away according to the set state laws, when it makes it difficult for the arranged visitation agreement for the non custodial parent to stay in effect.
Relocation Laws for child custody
Before the parent with legal and physical custody can move to another state, then proper written notification must be given to the non custodial parent to this effect allowing them to state their agreement or disagreement. This will allow them to file an objection against the move if they wish to, or alternatively give an agreement to the parent with custody rights or the legal guardian to accept the move. It is important to educate yourself regarding child custody relocation laws in your state, because as mentioned above, they differ from state to state. Follow proper steps and legal channels to arrange your moving with everyone concerned and this begins with educating yourself properly on Custody laws by State because there is too much detail to explain for each state different laws. Parents that have had an amicable custody arrangement up until the custody parents decide to relocate may now lodge a dispute when the custody parent wishes to move. This will be even more the case when the result will be difficulty for the other parent to have access to visitation of the children. Before the custodial parent moves, most states require information from the parent that will show that moving is in the best interest of the children.
The court rulings regarding Child Custody Relocation
It is important to always remember when it concerns child custody disputes that the court will always rule in favor of what is in the best interests of the children when it comes to the final decisions. If moving away is going to be traumatic for the children, you may not get the go ahead to move, even if the non custodial parent has agreed. Most states have clearly defined laws regarding relocation and child custody, so it is good advice to read more about them even before consulting a family lawyer and spending piles of money. If you were to violate the relocation laws or visitation agreements, there may be serious consequences and the non custodial can file against; you suing for child custody again. When it concerns any child custody disputes, proper preparation with save you time money and heartache and this is where the Child Custody center can help you.
Changing Visitation Rights
As with laws regarding child custody relocation, visitation agreements can be also be changed, and once again this also varies from state to state. For local moves visitation may be difficult for the other parent if you have moved some distance away; due to their transport or work related commitments. It is best to work according to the law both for relocation and visitation rights adjustments, to make sure you retain the legal custody rights you originally were given during the child custody court case
Do you have questions about your child custody rights or about your relocating and need an economical way to find out the answers?   Click here to contact me today and we can discuss the best options for you and your family

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Do you know the legal issues in repossession?

People facing repossession as well as those in the repossession business have a lot of legal issues to deal with. The laws regarding repossession vary from state to state, making it especially important to know what can and can not be done in an instance of repossession.
Repossession happens when a consumer owes on a tangible product on which they are in default. These are loans in which the product purchases is also the collateral; a car, for instance. Since these purchases are a form of loan, the buyer does not actually own the item until the loan has been repaid in full. In legal terms, the lender is the owner until that time. This means that the lender can take possession of the item without going to court if the borrower is in default.
In most of these states, these are the legal issues that regulate the process of repossession:
• The borrower must be informed that the outstanding loan is in default and it must be spelled out in the loan agreement itself that defaulting on a specified number of payments will result in the lender taking action to repossess the item in question.
• Those carrying out the repossession are not permitted to commit any act that is illegal in the course of carrying out repossession. They cannot illegally gain entry to a garage, house or other property in order to take possession of the item.
• The repossession agent or company is not permitted to cause any damage in the course of repossession. They cannot remove items from walls, damage cabinets or anything else in a kitchen while, for instance repossessing a stove.
• The creditor or the repossession agents cannot repossess any property or threaten to repossess any property other than that which the borrower actually owes money on. They cannot, for instance take possession of a boat that is on a trailer attached to a truck that is to be repossessed.
Under U.S. law, a repossession company or agent who violates these laws can see the repossession overturned in court and have to pay damages to the individual against who the repossession was carried out.
It does not have to cost a fortune to protect you and your family learn more  Contact Me