Thursday, August 25, 2011

Did you know speeding tickets can raise insurance rates 53% ?

Have you ever had teenage drivers or drive like a teenager yourself?  According to an article written on May 23, 2011 by MainStreet staff, a new analysis from website recently looked at 32,000 of its auto insurance policies sold in 2010 and found that those with zero moving violations on their driving record can expect to pay, on average, $1,119 a year in premiums.  However, as soon as a consumer had a moving traffic violation on record, the quotes skyrocketed. Their analysis found that:
• One violation led to an average annual premium cost of $1,318, an 18% increase.
• Two violations lead to average annual premium cost of $1,497, a 34% increase.
• Three violations lead to an average annual premium cost of $1,713, a 53% increase
The article also stated that violations that can cause these spikes include speeding, careless or reckless driving, running red lights, failing to yield or stop at a yield or stop sign, improper passing, making an unsafe U-turn and failing to use a child restraint.   The analysis illustrated that policies offered to drivers with violations depend on the age of the driver.  In addition the average annual premiums were calculated by examining 32,746 single-driver, one-car insurance policies sold in 2010. If your insurance agent does not currently offer Motor Vehicle Legal Service, you can get more information by clicking here to contact me

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