Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Are you aware of your child custody and relocation law?

Child custody relocation laws differ between states and moving can be quite a sticky issue. Parents that already have full physical and legal custody of their children must meet the standard legal requirements in custody relocation laws. This starts with notifying the non custodial parent if they wish to move or relocate to another state. Minor moves within the county which do not affect the other parents visitation rights are not considered too much of a problem, but if the custodial parent wishes to move a long distance away, the court may rule against it; especially if the move will affect the well being of the children because they have a good relationship with the non custodial parent. Relocation laws for child custody come in to affect regarding child custody arrangements when the move is a certain distance away according to the set state laws, when it makes it difficult for the arranged visitation agreement for the non custodial parent to stay in effect.
Relocation Laws for child custody
Before the parent with legal and physical custody can move to another state, then proper written notification must be given to the non custodial parent to this effect allowing them to state their agreement or disagreement. This will allow them to file an objection against the move if they wish to, or alternatively give an agreement to the parent with custody rights or the legal guardian to accept the move. It is important to educate yourself regarding child custody relocation laws in your state, because as mentioned above, they differ from state to state. Follow proper steps and legal channels to arrange your moving with everyone concerned and this begins with educating yourself properly on Custody laws by State because there is too much detail to explain for each state different laws. Parents that have had an amicable custody arrangement up until the custody parents decide to relocate may now lodge a dispute when the custody parent wishes to move. This will be even more the case when the result will be difficulty for the other parent to have access to visitation of the children. Before the custodial parent moves, most states require information from the parent that will show that moving is in the best interest of the children.
The court rulings regarding Child Custody Relocation
It is important to always remember when it concerns child custody disputes that the court will always rule in favor of what is in the best interests of the children when it comes to the final decisions. If moving away is going to be traumatic for the children, you may not get the go ahead to move, even if the non custodial parent has agreed. Most states have clearly defined laws regarding relocation and child custody, so it is good advice to read more about them even before consulting a family lawyer and spending piles of money. If you were to violate the relocation laws or visitation agreements, there may be serious consequences and the non custodial can file against; you suing for child custody again. When it concerns any child custody disputes, proper preparation with save you time money and heartache and this is where the Child Custody center can help you.
Changing Visitation Rights
As with laws regarding child custody relocation, visitation agreements can be also be changed, and once again this also varies from state to state. For local moves visitation may be difficult for the other parent if you have moved some distance away; due to their transport or work related commitments. It is best to work according to the law both for relocation and visitation rights adjustments, to make sure you retain the legal custody rights you originally were given during the child custody court case
Do you have questions about your child custody rights or about your relocating and need an economical way to find out the answers?   Click here to contact me today and we can discuss the best options for you and your family

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